Don't Act Right KS Money Bear

King Saladeens Inspiration

King Saladeen is a contemporary street artist who unknowingly kept me inspired with his use of color & Jp The Money Bear.

Years ago I came across paintings by King Saladeen and every day since then (4 Years ago his art has been the background of my computer's screen saver.

His story of persistence, friends, support, and growth as an artist has inspired me from a far. Only speaking to him a hand full of time yet his work, and the use of bright colors was the only lite I saw in my darkest days.

I would turn on my computer, see this bear and the bright colors, and be reminded we all have a journey. Some know what they are supposed to do, and some find support in pushing them to do what their gift shows others they have. Seeing his success and his work has continuously kept me going.

I believe creatives battle the mental struggle of what they love to do & what they should do. With little support, it's easy to give up. No one is there to believe in you or push you, unless you find those who do. His story is a great example of that and one I used to believe in myself.

His story of his best friend being the inspiration behind his pursuing of his art, the name of his trademark Bear, and what this bear means to him. If we are lucky we will find 1 person who's support takes us further than anything we thought we could do alone. It seems often to many times, we're lucky if we get to find that 1 person.


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