Don't Act Right Dark Place

The Dark Place..

The one place we travel to, that we never expected to see. Darkness is so mentally debilitating that the only way through is to suffer the darkness of frustrations, blame, self-hatred, and every emotion until you have nothing else left to be upset about, then you get to start seeing the light and what there is to learn from your journey.

When everything you do in your life: every thought, every meeting, and every interaction that comes from all the work you are willing to do--causes you to lose all sense of reality around you and to dive into this world of focus to the point where there are no more distractions, then every experience becomes a learning lesson for personal growth in the form of constant challenges that will shape you into the person you need to become in order to achieve what you set out to do.

We learn along the way that the way we speak to ourselves, the words we use, the resources we tap for inspiration, education, and everything we are doing daily is developing the path that we are telling ourselves we will follow. 

The repeated vision you have becomes significantly stronger when you work on the stages, and steps to solve the problems that it will take to develop the path to that goal.

Guess what, this journey won't be what you expect, there will be challenges, and hurdles and many of them will come in the form of self-awareness, you will challenge everything you believe, and you will have to find strength within yourself, even after you lose all hope. Keep going…

For those of you who are going through it, have gone through it, or are thinking you can't do it anymore, The Don't Act Right community supports those who see things differently and we want to show you that there are so many others that made it through to the better days.

This brand was created to show the world that there are many many of us out here that are gifted to experience & see life differently. We Don't Act Like Everyone else, we are in pursuit of what is Right for the US. 

From Our Founder "Mahoney": "My journey led me here. To create a brand for a community of those who "Don't Act Right". This brand was my distraction, from the depths of a mental hell so debilitating I lost all care for everything, I lost my purpose and I lost myself. I badly wanted out of a depression so deep it took me two years to see the light again. When my vision, my purpose, and the plan I executed, "failed", I had to search for a new light. What I learned is that I didn't fail and that my experience gave me the skills to develop more to see what I had accomplished and how far I had come. So I created a new purpose when I had nothing else left."

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